Act I
Act one is roughly the first fifteen or twenty minutes of this movie. During this time we are introduced to our main characters, Seth and Evan, and the goals they will be achieving throughout the movie. Seth must get with Jules, and Evan must get with Becca. Both of the boys must work together to supply Jules' party with alcohol so the respective girls will fall for them. Will a successful supply of alcohol result in sucessful sexual advancments at the girls of their choice? This the central question of the film. The question brought up at the turning point, or plot point, of act one, is how will Seth and Evan successfully buy and transport the alcohol to the party?
Act II
This act takes up the bulk of the time. During this act Seth and Evan make many failing attempts to solve their problem, each one building more tension after the next, following the traditional track of the three act structure. It is also at the beginning of act two where the sub-plot becomes evident. Evan and Fogel are rooming together at college the next year and they are trying to keep Seth from finding out.
As a starting attempt to solve their problem, Seth and Evan decide that Fogel, who has recently acquired a fake ID, will buy the alcohol. Unfortunately, the name on the ID is unbelievable, and Seth is skeptical that it will work, or that Fogel will even be brave enough to even go through with it. As Fogel is checking out with almost one hundred dollars worth of alcohol, Seth and Evan miss the robber that comes into the liquor store, sucker punches Fogel in the face, and takes money from the cash register. All Seth and Evan see are the cops that arrive at the store shortly after Fogel makes his way in. At this point Seth and Evan decide to separate from Fogel in their search for alcohol under the assumption that Fogel was caught and is going to be in trouble. Fortunately for Fogel, the cops seemed to buy his pseudo-identity and offer him a ride to his destination. This is the event that drives us through the rest of act two. It is here where the story splits. Seth and Evan continue in their effort to find alcohol, again with the tension building consistently. They find themselves at a strange party filled with people much older than themselves, many of them in aggressive states or on drugs. Despite this, they decide to try and steal some beer from the party and find their way to Jules'. At the same time, Fogel's developing relationship with the officers offers us some relief from the intensity of Seth and Evan's journey. As the two boys run for their lives from the drunk adult party we are hit with the second plot point as the cops (who have been drinking themselves) hit Seth with their car, busting open some of the stolen beer all over the street. As the three friends begin to recognize the current situation, they all decide to make a run for it, with the remaining alcohol in their hands. It is here that we ask ourselves, will they make it to the party? Will they achieve their ultimate goals of getting with the girls?
This act is the last fifteen to twenty minutes of the film. They successfully make it to the party with the alcohol, but the tension is not yet done building. Fogel accidentally lets the rooming situation slip, and more tension builds between the characters. Seth drunkenly tries to kiss Jules and slams his face violently into her eye. Evan, who is undoubtedly more successful than Seth in his pursuit, still ends up with having to deal with Becca throwing up during their sexual encounter. This brings us to the climax of the film, the point where the tension is at a maximum, when the same drunken cops come and bust the party. The problem is Evan has passed out of the couch, and they need to leave immediately! Despite Seth's anger with Evan over his choice of roommate, he picks him up and sneaks out through the back, struggling to support Evan's weight. They make it back home safely, where their best-friendship is reinforced with a sleepover including some pizza bagels and a boop on the nose. It is here that the conflict of the subplot is solved, and the story ends happily when they run into the girls as the mall, and split up to enjoy a real date with them.
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